Isolated Aerobic Exercise Is Not an Effective Weight Loss Therapy

So says a new meta-analysis of cardio and weight-loss studies.

Their conclusion:

Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise programs of 6-12 months induce a modest reduction in weight and waist circumference in overweight and obese populations. Our results show that isolated aerobic exercise is not an effective weight loss therapy in these patients. Isolated aerobic exercise provides modest benefits to blood pressure and lipid levels and may still be an effective weight loss therapy in conjunction with diets.

Bottom line: Diet is the #1 factor in losing weight. “Cardio” can help drive the caloric deficits, but if you’re going for the most bang for your buck, Strength Training is the best way to go. It is, in and of itself, a metabolic driver of – among other things – fat loss.

If you’re in Chicago and want to learn more about why and how Strength Training is a life-changer, drop me a line.

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Or, “Proper Deadlift Form”. Keep everything aligned and you’ll be well on your way to building stronger legs, back, chest, shoulders, hands, and, well, everything else.

No Deadlifting at Planet Fitness

Slate is just the most recent to do a piece on Planet Fitness’s “Judgement-Free Zone Philosophy” designed to help “members can relax, get in shape, and have fun without being subjected to the hard-core, look-at-me attitude that exists in too many gyms.”

I can’t say I disagree with the notion that the current business model for gyms needs rethinking. It’s actually refreshing to hear the Planet Fitness CEO says “We’ll be the only fitness chain that can say we’ll never try to sell you personal training. A lot of people will say we are dead wrong with this historic move. But the world was flat once, and who the hell needs a friend for 50 bucks an hour?” And at roughly $15 per month for members, the price is absolutely right.

Here’s one of their commercials. (I get the joke, but I still find it ridiculous.)

Though I will say this to CEO Mike Grondahl: Keeping bowls of candy at the front counter and doing “Pizza Monday” promotions makes me question this guy’s sincerity. At once he slams big-box gyms for preying on people by actively selling memberships to people they know/hope won’t come (they do) and then preys on his members by encouraging junk food?

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with pizza every once in a while, but I would never expect to be served a beer at an AA meeting. It’s just not the place for it. I don’t expect Piece to install squat racks and treadmills, and I don’t expect Symmetry Center to serve pizza and beer.

But my biggest issue with Planet Fitness? No deadlifting. Here’s why:

Aside from walking, the Deadlift might be the most basic and common of humans’ mutli-joint movements. Learning how to properly brace your spine while you go down and get something off of the ground is essential to longevity and optimal health. How many times per day do you pick something up? How many times in your life will you pick up a moving box? A pet? A child?

Not everyone wants to be as strong as is possible and not everyone needs to. And relatively few people in the gym are actually working on that. Whether they know it or not, guess what they’re working on?

Movement preparation.

Whether you’re at the gym to lose a few pounds, to get a little stronger, to get a few seconds faster, or just because you’re told to exercise for optimal health, if you’re there doing strength training with proper form through a full range of motion, you are training movements. All of the other benefits are secondary to learning how to move properly.

So if you don’t think you’ll be picking up anything off of the floor any time soon, go ahead and join Planet Fitness. Great price, free pizza, no grunting, and it’s “Judgement Free” (as if such a place/thing actually exists).

But if you ever plan on moving or having kids, you should be deadlifting.

(Disclaimer: I absolutely do think a good trainer is worth $50+ an hour. Obviously. Here’s why. If you want experience it firsthand, contact me and come in for a free workout. If you’re unconvinced, I’ll point you to the nearest Planet Fitness.)

Ladies: Lift Big.

Or, most of what you’ve been sold as exercise fact is wrong. If you’re wondering why it’s better to lift big weights for fewer reps than lighter weights for higher reps, have a seat, and have a look-see through this list of articles.

Happy reading, happy lifting.